News Update February 2023

Our Beavers have had a hectic end of term with a visit to St Edmunds, singing, prayers and hot chocolate. Some of our Beavers attended a District Fun day conveniently held at Taverham when 109 Beavers came together to make all sorts of Christmas crafts, games, singing and a visit to see Santa and post their letters to him. The last meeting of the year saw Arthur Williams gaining his Bronze Award before swimming up to Cubs with four others.

S Elmes

Cubs had fun with their chef badge and Christmas party. They were making pizzas, playing pass the parcel and playing Christmas bingo.


1st Taverham Scout Group is pleased to announce that Daniel Fordham has been appointed as the Chairman of 1st Taverham Scout Group.  He can be contacted at: .

Hayley Bean has been appointed as Group Scout Leader.

1st Taverham Scout Group has an exciting programme of events planned. However, some of our plans are compromised by a shortage of leaders which does limit the variety of opportunities that we are able to offer the children.

If you would be interested in helping out, having a chat with one of the leaders, or coming along to a meeting to see what it involves, please get in touch with James Wilson at: or click here.

Daniel Fordham, Chairman